Location & Hours

Location & Hours of Operation

Sessions are held exclusively online, primarily via the Google Meet HIPAA secure video platform.  On occasion, due to technical difficulties, sessions may be held on a different secure video platform or by telephone.

Telephone sessions are available if internet connectivity is unstable.  On occasion, if needed or preferred, synchronous chat may be used, as well.

Services are available only for current residents throughout Tennessee (License #2368), California (License #82203), South Carolina (#TLC 718 MFT) and Florida (#TPMF 640).

To get started, schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: 7 am – 5 pm Pacific
                                                                 9 am – 7 pm Central
Wednesday: 7 am – 10 am Pacific/
                            9 am – 12 pm Central
Friday: 7 am – 2 pm Pacific
               9 am – 4 pm Central