Life Transitions

Whether you’re a young person just entering the world after college or a seasoned adult, changing careers, getting married, starting a family, becoming an empty-nester, or going into retirement, transitions can be difficult. They are full of the unknown and often add a ton of extra stress to your already stressful life.

Let’s face it, adulting is hard!

But with a little effort and practice, we will work together to help you breeze through life’s transitions with not much more than a few small scars. And you know what scars are, right? They’re a visible reminder of all you’ve conquered.

Or if you’re transitioning out of a relationship back into the single world, you’ve recently become a single parent or you’re getting re-married and creating a blended family, I can help with that too. These are often gray areas that lots of people don’t mention. But so many people land here at some point in their lives. I’m here to lend a helping hand and share a little Positive Psychology to get you over the initial hump of uncertainty, unfamiliarity, and fear.  Not only do I have the training, I also have personal life experience in divorce, remarriage, and creating a blended family.