Marriage & Relationship Counseling

Do you often find yourself thinking, “I just don’t feel like my husband/wife hears me?”   So often, couples are locked in their own way of thinking and find it hard to see the other person’s perspective. When that happens, it feels to the other person like they aren’t being truly heard, or listened to.

Or do you ever feel like, maybe your partner hears you, but they don’t value your opinion or input? In fact, you begin to wonder if they value you at all in the relationship! You begin to question your importance in the relationship and wonder how you got to this point.

Do you want to develop a deeper understanding of each other, learn to respect and trust each other, and strengthen your emotional and physical intimacy?

I will teach you how to interact with each other in respectful and productive ways, so you both benefit from the relationship and both your needs are getting met. I’ll help you learn how to honor and respect each other on a regular basis.

The goal of a marriage or relationship is for 2 people to join together and become 1 well-functioning team on all levels.